Fáilte. Beannachtaí.
Welcome. Blessings.
May this be a sacred space to support you along your journey;
As you tune into wisdom, healing, and magic that rests in your body and spirit.

Erica O'Reilly

Dear Anam Cara/Soul Friend,
As a sacred storyteller and spiritual counsellor, I believe within all of us resides a sacred space. A place that holds the waters and wisdom of our ancient being - woven within our spirit, our blood, and our bones.
When you feel safe to trust the wisdom that dwells within you, you move into a powerful and pivotal state of being. From this held place of deeply knowing and trusting yourself, you can alchemize and transform what once hurt you into your embodied and sovereign freedom.​
You are the light, you are seeking.
My role is to support you as you navigate your inner world.
All the wisdom, health, vitality, and answers you are seeking reside within you. The question becomes: when will you heed the call of your body and spirit to tune inwards and listen?
And should you feel stirring to walk the inner path to knowing yourself more deeply, please also know: that you do not need to journey alone.
Le grá,
(With love)
~ Erica
Supportive Spaces for Your Journey

Spiritual Counselling Sessions
Get to the root of the wound and begin to heal from the inside out

Come back to centre and clarity within the presence of your body and spirit

Wise & Embodied
(Soul Gatherings)
Gather in sacred space with soul aligned women who desire to know themselves more deeply

About Erica
I believe in my dán [a soul gift, purpose, or destiny] is to act as a guide between the physical realm of the body and the Otherworld of Spirit.
I believe in the Irish & matriarchal wisdom that runs deep in my blood and bones - including that of the Mná Fesa (the Wise Women), the Mná Leighas (the Medicine Women), and the Mná Chaointe (the Keening Women).
I believe in my sacred connection to the Áes Dána (People of the Arts) and the tradition of the seanchaí (Irish storytelling) to speak of magic, spirit, mythology, medicine, and change.
I believe in the sacred invitations of our shadow in order to understand the stories that we carry in our bodies and spirits connected to our pain, suffering, fear and trauma.
I believe in the wisdom of the body. I believe in the power of the voice. I believe in the magic of the spirit.
I believe in the well of one's inner wisdom.
I believe in the sacred circle held within Otherworld, tended to by the wise and well, the healed and whole.
These are the roots that I hold space from; for myself and for you.

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Here, Erica shares more on her personal experiences in navigating the physical and spiritual realms; alongside the creative process
of a new sacred story coming into being.
Pieces are shared on a bi-weekly basis - with the option to receive each publication directly to your email.